Lab 8 Report
For this we are performing one flip with the robot and a stunt deisnged on our own.

For this part, I just used PID, and managed to perform the flip with a settings of:
P = 300
I = 0.01
D = 300
target_dis = 1200

So with this setting, the robot is able to rush to the wall with the high P value, and perform a fast reverse with the high D value. With the high friction of the rubber flooring, it is able to perform the flip. See Fig.1 for the flip data. And attached video for the result.
Fig.1 Flip TOF Readings and Motor Duty Cycle

From the Fig.1 you can see that at time stamp 256348, robot started to reverse and the duty cycle of the motor changed from 255 to -255 very fast. At time stamp 256847 is the lowest TOF reading, that's when robot is upside down. And started reversing back very fast. But just like in lab 4, the TOF is out of range so it reads a smaller number which is inaccrurate as it is speeding off to the distance.
I didn't use kalman filter because I see that there isn't too much difference from PID in lab7, and the PID command allows me more freedom on adjusting the parameters w/o changing too many variables, so I chose to use PID instead of Kalman out of a bit of lazyness.

While I did this at the end of the semester, so I tried doing lab 12's observation loop with a twist. I made the robot to do the observation loop on its side. And surprisingly, it is more accurate than doing it on its belly. I just modified lab12's code, instead of letting it turn on its x-axis, I changed it to control it with PID with the y-axis' gyroscope readings. Below are three successful trails. And Fig.2 is it's observation loop readings, you can see it turns 20 degrees quite good.

Fig.2 Observation Loop Results