Lab 12 Report
For this lab, we are to perform Bayes Filter's localization on four locations, to see how good the calculated belife of each location is. And thanks again to the course staff for writing most of the real robot code. We just need to implement the observation loop function which uses the real robot.

Task 1
This task is just to see that the given Bayes Filter implementation is correct. See Fig.1 for result.
Fig.1 Simulation Result with Provided Bayes Filter implementation

This function asks the robot to perform a 360 degree rotation at the same spot, and record 18 TOF readings at 18 different angles. And return the data as two column np arrays.
I used the code from Lab 9. But with some modifications. What I did in Lab 9 is seperated reading data and retive data as two robot commands. But now it needs to be in the same function. There is a problem when to send the data, and keep the Bluetooth connection while the robot is performing the loop. I tried to implement the functionality by sending a command back telling the laptop robot has done performing the loop. But that didn't work very consistantly, I just asked the laptop to wait for 30 seconds before trying to parse the data. And to solve the connection issue, I asked the robot to send back data at every rotation step, i.e every 20 degrees of rotation. Video and code is attached below:

def perform_observation_loop(self, rot_vel=120):
    stri = []
    def data_hdl(uuid,strii):
    ble.start_notify(ble.uuid['LAB4_STR'], data_hdl)

    P = 5
    I = 0
    D = 100
    DC_MAX = 250
    time_lim = 1
    dest = 25
    dead_band = 250
    turn_degree = 30

    result = []
    for s in stri:
    result = np.array(result).astype(np.float64)

    sensor_ranges = np.array([result[:,1]]).T/1000
    sensor_bearings = np.array([result[:,0]]).T
    return sensor_ranges, sensor_bearings

Localization Results
Below, Fig.2 to Fig.9 are the belifes at each location in [(-3,-2), (0,3), (5,-3), (5,3)],w/o grid and with grid. In the with grid version, the big red dot is the ground truth coordinates. drawing Fig.2 (-3,-2) w/o grid
Fig.3 (-3,-2) with grid
drawing Fig.4 (0,3) w/o grid
Fig.5 (0,3) with grid
drawing Fig.6 (5,-3) w/o grid
Fig.7 (5,-3) with grid
drawing Fig.8 (5,3) w/o grid
Fig.9 (5,3) with grid

Result Discussion
You can see from the screen shots, I don't have the most accurate result. I think it is partly due to my robot isn't rotationing exactly in one spot. And also the TOF isn't too accurate. Though with multiple trails, I think one trail can yield accurate result. But still, it needs mutiple trails. At (-3,-2) I had the best results because it's the closest spot I can get multiple trails in, the lab is pretty busy. And for (0,3) no matter how many trails I've done, it yields poor results. I think it's due to that the surroundsing is synmatric to the observer.